Course Schedule & Information
Take a leap. Become a laser hair removal technician today. The 40 hour class is administered over a four-day schedule. We are waiting for you!
Tuition is $850 and classes are filling quickly, so call 844.99.LASER to register today and save $50 by pre-enrolling on the phone.
Classes begin the first Monday of every month and continue throughout the following three Mondays.
The final exam will be given on the last day of class. There will be a final review on the last Monday morning, after finishing the curriculum. At this point, students may either take a break for lunch or begin the test.
Please note that if you have scheduling needs that are different than those listed, please contact us, and we may possibly be able to arrange to meet your needs.
Please also note that certificates will not be issued, if all the prerequisite conditions for this call have not been fulfilled. Meaning that enrolling students must have a diploma, a GED, or an upper-level transcript from some school of higher learning. All course paperwork must be completed, a passing score on your exam, and proof that you have attended the required 40 hours. Tuition balance must also be paid in full by this time.
If there is a holiday scheduled on one of the first four Mondays, the schedule will reflect the changed date.
Currently the State of Texas only offers hair removal as a certified course of instruction.
The schedule for the August 40 hour state approved laser hair removal courses are as follows:
August 8, 2016 | Laser Physics and Hair Biology | Chapter 1 | 9a-7p |
August 15, 2016 | Laser Safety, CPR and Regulations | Chapter 11 | 9a-7p |
August 22, 2016 | Patient Information and Consultations | Chapters 2,3,6 | 9a-7p |
August 29, 2016 | Practical, Didactic and Hands On/Final | Chapters 5,8,9 | 9a-7p |
This school has a Certificate of Approval from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). The TWC assigned school number is S4138. Texas Laser Services Laser Hair Removal Program is approved by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Statute: Texas Education Code, Section 132.055(1) Rule: Title 40, Texas Administrative Code, Section 807.171
The schedule for the September 40 hour state approved laser hair removal courses are as follows:
Please note that due to a holiday the first day of class will be on Tuesday since Monday is a holiday.
September 5, 2016 | Laser Physics and Hair Biology | Chapter 1 | 9a-7p |
September 12, 2016 | Laser Safety, CPR and Regulations | Chapter 11 | 9a-7p |
September 19, 2016 | Patient Information and Consultations | Chapters 2,3,6 | 9a-7p |
September 26, 2016 | Practical, Didactic and Hands On/Final | Chapters 5,8,9 | 9a-7p |
All other courses are taught to meet or exceed manufacturer's guidelines and expectations only and are not guided by TWC or The Texas Department of State Health Services at this time. However most physicians have either worked with or heard of Texas Laser Source's reputation for training and therefore know this is the best quality training that is currently available.